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Dear Wachowski Brothers

For the first 15 minutes of “Speed Racer” you have us convinced you are making the best movie of 2008,  “The Matrix” for kids and race cars.   Then you introduce two swear words and a pointless interlude and you end up giving us “The Matrix Revolutions” instead.

I’d recut this movie and make it good if you would accept my help.  I can’t do much about the primary color stuff behind green screened actors but the rest is salvageable, it just needs 30 minutes cut out and the non-PG stuff removed from this PG movie so kids can watch it.    Let me know.  Yes, you have your pride but this is your legacy we’re talking about.  You don’t want to be remembered for this and “Assassins”.

Or you can turn me down and people can just watch the trailer.   That rocks.  And the WRL documentary special feature is better than the movie itself, which should tell you something.

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