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Posts made in July, 2013

Psychologists Discover That Most Men Are Heterosexual

You might not know it from political posturing and the plots of upcoming network situation comedies but most men remain heterosexual. A systematic analysis of 60 papers published between 1994 and 2012 had determined that the majority of men were still not gay, or at least bisexual. It has also been determined that male sexuality […]

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Congratulations Carissa Yip, Youngest Female Chess Expert In The US

9-year-old Carissa Yip is probably better at chess than you. She is certainly better than me and already better than 93 percent of the 51,000 plus players registered with the U.S. Chess Federation.She has set a goal to reach 2,100 this year; an Expert is anyone ranked over 2,000 while at 2,200 you are considered a Master. She also wants to one day become the first female to win the overall...

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Congratulations Carissa Yip, Youngest Chess Expert In The US

9-year-old Carissa Yip is probably better at chess than you. She is certainly better than me and already better than 93 percent of the 51,000 plus players registered with the U.S. Chess Federation.She has set a goal to reach 2,100 this year; an Expert is anyone over 2,000 while at 2,200 you are considered a Master. She also wants to one day become the first female to win the overall championship...

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Sequester For Show – Regulatory Agency Budgets Still Increase

Sequester For Show – Regulatory Agency Budgets Still Increase

Much talk has been made of the sequester and the rhetoric falls along the usual political party lines. But numbers can’t lie (unless they are in vague statements made by government media representatives). We’ve seen claims about parks with limited hours and White House tours being cut – those are things journalists can report on easily and exhibit some faux outrage – but...

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To Food Mullahs, It’s Not About Ingredients, It’s About Your Incorrect World View

"Those among us who are anthropologically inclined tend to view a can or bottle of soda as an instantly recognizable symbol of everything that is wrong with Western civilization as we know it" is the first sign indication that you have left planet Earth and officially joined the alternative universe of Woo.And your tour guide is the features director at Martha Stewart Living. Now, when it comes...

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