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Posts made in January, 2014

Jawa: Lost City Of The Black Desert

In the early part of the 20th century, after we had entered the Age of Flight, a strange phenomenon in Arabia was sighted. Air travel had become more common and thus so did air delivery. British pilots flying from Cairo to Baghdad reported seeing ruins that no one had ever noticed before. read...

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Buy Legitimate Exorcisms: Those Internet Ones Are Bogus, Says Exorcist

Bob Larson, Evangelical Reverend of the Spiritual Freedom Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, and self-proclaimed exorcist, does not want the public to be bilked by greedy Big Exorcism purveyors in cushy geographical monopolies, so he appeared on Anderson Cooper’s show to discuss how he is bringing exorcisms to the needy – by curing them over the […]

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Food Awareness Should Include Disclosing Pesticides On Organic Food

If you care about what is in your food, you have no greater sympathetic intellect than me.But if you are an anti-science activist, you may not understand the distinction between what is in your food and what it simply is - and there we part company. A genetic modification (GMO) is your food, for example, it is no different than any other food from a health perspective. Cataloging the numerous...

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Putting It Plainly, Your Content Stinks

Twice a day I get an email from someone offering me the outstanding opportunity to carry their infographic, press release or puff-piece interview with someone who has invented a new Miracle Cure and if it seems like it was written by a real person, I will usually tell them I decline.No one has ever written back and asked why. read...

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Putting It Plainly, Your Content Stinks

Twice a day I get an email from someone offering me the outstanding opportunity to carry their infographic, press release or puff-piece interview with someone who has invented a new Miracle Cure and if it seems like it was written by a real person, I will usually tell them I decline.No one has ever written back and asked why. read...

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