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Posts made in August, 2014

When There Is A Penis Mystery, Just Blame Endocrine Disruptors

When There Is A Penis Mystery, Just Blame Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptor.No one knows why Hypospadias, a birth defect where the urethral opening is abnormally placed, became more common among Swedish boys in recent decades. Before 1990, it happened in 4.5 per 1,000 boys, and after that increased to 8 per 1,000 boys.Researchers looked at past attributed causes (in epidemiology, they find two curves that go the same direction and attribute...

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50 State Index of Energy Regulation

50 State Index of Energy Regulation

Pacific Research Institute Fellows Dr. Wayne Winegarden and Dr. Marc Miles have created the 50 State Index of Energy Regulation, which covers the various regulatory climates for energy consumption, production and distribution. It's no secret that energy is the great equalizer. We have written numerous articles showing that with clean energy - not by penalizing everything but the pet projects...

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The Future Of Nuclear Energy May Be A Battery

The Future Of Nuclear Energy May Be A Battery

20 years ago, nuclear science died a horrible death at the hands of President Clinton and Senator John Kerry. It's science fiction fantasy to imagine now what nuclear science would be like if the last 40 years had been spent with American ingenuity and technological prowess tackling the issue, rather than it becoming a political football to placate anti-science activists before finally being...

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Glass Half Full: 6 Lessons From The Ebola Outbreak

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to rage and has now claimed the lives of more than 1,100 people. Is that a lot? It depends. In context, that is 10 percent of the lives France lost during a heatwave in 2004 while they protested American foreign policy in the streets, so clearly it is a matter of priorities. Unlike France, Africa regards preventable deaths as a priority but there are...

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4.4 Trillion Frames A Second: The World’s Fastest Camera

4.4 Trillion Frames A Second: The World’s Fastest Camera

The University of Tokyo and Keio University have unveiled the world’s fastest camera - its Sequentially Timed All-optical Mapping Photography makes it 1,000 times faster than other cameras. So fast it can catch catch the conduction of heat as it happens.That's a speed equivalent to one-sixth the velocity of light.World’s Fastest Camera Captures Chemical Reactions in Single Shot By Megumi...

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