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What Will It Take For Real Farming In Space?

If humans in space are happening any time soon, it will be despite government involvement rather than because of it. NASA couldn't even build a telescope without going 25 years and 1,000 percent over budget. By the time all cultural parties pick away at a manned space program, it will be so expensive and time-costly it won't be worthwhile, and the private sector will throw all that baggage out...

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Carbon Offsets Won’t Work Until There Is Science In How Trees Are Planted

Former Vice-President Al Gore has a giant mansion but buys carbon offsets to mitigate the damage. Do they work?It depends, and that means it is unlikely. Lots of corporations dove into the carbon offset market, Mr. Gore made hundreds of millions of dollars investing in them, but there is no standard beyond 'we will plant this many trees.' The story is certainly compelling. There is no guilt about...

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New York Has A Mild Winter Two Weeks In – Global Climate Change Implicated

We're only two weeks into winter and a New York university is already declaring above-average temperatures in 2023 a result of global climate change. read more

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Without Climate Lockdowns, US Property Values May Plummet?

Prior to the Olympics in Beijing, China solved a pollution problem they previously claimed they never had by banning all cars except those for communist party elites. It did little for CO2, Beijing had a PM10 (smog) problem, but it showed drastic interventions could help the air.read...

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The Racism Of Virtual Pollution

When smog was prevalent, it was easy to see. Particulate matter 10 microns in size hover in the air, the famous London Fog was not natural moisture, it was PM10 pollution. In one event, nature combined with smog in London to kill 12,000 people.After that, wealthier nations engaged in pollution control, and then PM10 and its health issues began to dissipate. In the 1990s and with much cleaner air,...

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Less Air Pollution Has Meant More Fertilizer In Farming

You wouldn't know it from listening to epidemiologists inside EPA or local weather personalities, but American air quality is better than it's been in 150 years. So clean they had to define "clean" down and start touting small micron particulate matter (PM2.5) one quarter the size of real smog, so small you need an electron microscope to see it, as a concern.Well, it isn't. No one has ever died...

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