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Recent appearances:

September 12th: KVON “Late Mornings with Jeff Schectman” interview
Listen here

September 12th: (national) “Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn” interview
Listen here

September 18th book signing 7:00pm Kepler’s Books 1010 El Camino Real Menlo Park, CA 94025

September 19th Wisconsin Public Radio, “The Joy Cardin Show” 6:00AM Pacific 
Listen here

September 24th (national) “The Jim Bohannon Show” 11:00 PM Eastern
Listen here

September 28th USA Today Stealth war to redefine science

September 28th book signing at the Vero Beach Book Center

Science Left Behind on Amazon – Jared Diamond’s book is a year old, but I will take it:

I was on Chicaco’s NPR station, 91.5, with  host Rick Kogan and the Afternoon Shift, along with with Dr. Francesca Grifo, Director of Scientific Integrity for the Union of Concerned Scientists advocacy group:

Rick Kogan: Science Left Behind is “vastly more entertaining than one might imagine, from a book about science.”

November 15th “Science, Bitches: Why Your Hippie Friends Are Filled with Wrong” is a fun title for a review from a Portland paper: “Anti-scientism is everywhere, and acknowledging that much of it comes from our own political tribe is a hard and inconvenient truth.”

It’s not all balloons and ponies, but even the criticisms are funny: “Some of the passages are so aggressively axe-grindy that Christopher Hitchens’ drunken ghost very well could have penned them.”

November 28th I did my first ever joint radio interview with Alex Berezow today on the Jefferson Exchange program of the Jefferson Public Radio/NPR station in Oregon.
Listen here.

December 8th I was with Alex in Dallas, Texas on The Blaze network. Here is the first segment:

“I’ll tell you why I love this book so much. It doesn’t read like some right wing attack book” … which is the point and no one could have said it better. The data is there, we don’t need to surround it with red meat.  It may not change any opinions but even in a month we have seen a cultural shift regarding three of the issues in the book.  And more will happen.

On January 3rd I was on the Dennis Prager show with Alex Berezow and we talked about, among other things, intellectual honesty and why partisanship is a key weapon in the war against science.
Listen here