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Posts made in August, 2011

Energy Secretary Steven Chu Gets Practical On Keystone XL Pipeline

In the early days of the Obama administration transition, there were a number of concerns about his anti-science beliefs.  He hired a guy who thought girls couldn't do math and one who thinks there is a government UFO conspiracy.But then he made Steven Chu Energy Secretary, and that was good, if only Chu could curb his anti-CO2 fetish. read...

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Energy Secretary Steven Chu Gets Practical On Keystone XL Pipeline

In the early days of the Obama administration transition, there were a number of concerns about his anti-science beliefs.  He hired a guy who thought girls couldn't do math and one who thinks there is a government UFO conspiracy.But then he made Steven Chu Energy Secretary, and that was good, if only Chu could curb his anti-CO2 fetish.read...

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Buy Your Semen Locally, Not On The Internet, Warns Canada

All people care about these days is cost.  What happened to buying local?Health Canada warned would-be parents not to purchase "fresh" semen online, saying it may be tainted with infectious diseases.  Pesky Canada has strict controls for obtaining donor semen to minimize the potential risk of transmitting serious infectious diseases, like a requirement that donor semen must be...

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CLOUD And The Cosmic Ray Climate Change Blow Up

When I saw some preliminary results in Nature about CERN's CLOUD experiment a while ago, I didn't regard it as interesting enough to write about.  Seriously, does anyone not think the Sun impacts the climate by now?I know, I know, in the 1990s it was all carbon dioxide, but it's no longer 2006 - anyone gullible enough to believe the French and the Germans insisted on a 1990 date in the Kyoto...

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California Science Center Has To Pay Fee To Not Show Intelligent Design Film

A documentary on Intelligent Design, a flavor of Creationism, can be shown at the California Science Center under terms of a settlement announced yesterday.But the group that sued the center after they scheduled a screening of "Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record" and the center canceled it in 2009 now says it won't bother to show the film at the center's IMAX theater....

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