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Posts made in March, 2016

What Beepocalypse?

What Beepocalypse?

The latest bee population numbers for 2015 came out last week and while they are a guesstimate,  they show a tiny (3%) decrease since their 20-year high from 2014. No big deal to scientists, bee numbers fluctuate a lot from year-to-year and always have, and overwinter losses do not equal bees in decline, but activists are portraying it as an ecological catastrophe. Genetic Literacy...

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What Beepocalypse?

What Beepocalypse?

The latest bee population numbers for 2015 came out last week and while they are a guesstimate,  they show a tiny (3%) decrease since their 20-year high from 2014. No big deal to scientists, bee numbers fluctuate a lot from year-to-year and always have, and overwinter losses do not equal bees in decline, but activists are portraying it as an ecological catastrophe. Genetic Literacy...

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