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Posts made in September, 2014

How Close Is Victory In The War On Cancer?

Over 40 years ago, President Richard Nixon authorized a War On Cancer, with the goal that cancer could be conquered with the right amount of money and ingenuity.

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Has Dracula’s Childhood Dungeon Been Found?

Has Dracula’s Childhood Dungeon Been Found?

Tokat Castle. Credit: FlickrIt's not a surprise that as we get ready for Halloween season, stories will start to appear that relate to the macabre. And nothing is more macabre to modern minds than the tale of Vlad Dracul, who was on the front lines battling the Muslims in Eastern Europe and reputedly impaled 20,000 bodies as a warning to them.It seemed to have worked, at least in that famous...

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PeelPack: Coca-Cola May Be Repurposing Orange Rinds To Make Green Packaging

Coca-Cola is apparently developing new beverage package made from citrus juices, fibers, and and peels. They filed a trademark September 16th saying it would call such packaging "Peelpack."It's not their first bio-based packaging, they also make the PlantBottle. Coca-Cola picks citrus for new containers by David Allison, Atlanta Business...

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No Flatlanders Allowed: Haggis And Whisky Flavored Potato Chips

No Flatlanders Allowed: Haggis And Whisky Flavored Potato Chips

Mackie's at Taypack Ltd. has been around since 2009 but the joint venture between the Taylors, Perthshire potato farmers, and Mackie's of Scotland,  has finally figured out a way to differentiate themselves from Frito-Lay: they are making potato chips flavored like whisky and haggis.Everyone knows what Scotch is. Haggis is sheep stomach stuffed with meat and barley. Scotland's...

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Californians Are About To Spend $400 million More For Eggs

In 2008, during the economic glory days of the Bush years, Californians did a number of crazy things - spending $3 billion for human embryonic stem cell research, which no corporation thought was even close to being ready - comes to mind. And they bought into an animal 'liberation' agenda, which had been talking about the minimum size of cages and passed Proposition 2, which mandated the size of...

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