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Posts made in July, 2021

Chewing Gum, Lördagsgodis, And The Wild Swedish Studies That Settled The Debate On Sugar And Cavities

Nearly 70 years ago, results of a Swedish experiment, now called the Vipeholm studies, correlated frequent candy consumption and tooth decay. With the benefit of scientific hindsight, this is no surprise. What is a surprise is how different cultures reacted. For example, instead of public awareness campaigns highlighting the effects of carbohydrates on oral health, as Americans might expect,...

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California Is Forcing Everyone To Wear Masks Again While New York Wants To Force Everyone Back Into Office Buildings

New York is a state, county, and city, but the money comes from the city. Not much of why it works makes logical sense. Manhattan is small, crowded, expensive, and stuffed with rats, cockroaches, and weirdos. There is rent control, which no one seems to mind, and then people exploiting loopholes in rent control, which no one minds except property owners, but since they are corporations everyone...

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California Is Forcing Everyone To Wear Masks Again While New York Wants To Force Everyone Back Into Office Buildings

New York is a state, county, and city, but the money comes from the city. Not much of why it works makes logical sense. Manhattan is small, crowded, expensive, and stuffed with rats, cockroaches, and weirdos. There is rent control, which no one seems to mind, and then people exploiting loopholes in rent control, which no one minds except property owners, but since they are corporations everyone...

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YouTube Science Communicator Derek Muller Won $10K From A UCLA Physics Professor By Knowing Physics Better

A few months ago, Derek Muller, creator of the Veritasium YouTube channel, posted a video of a wind-powered vehicle. Nothing special about that, ancient sailors knew the wind could make you go faster.But he showed it went faster than the wind that powered it. Ancient sailors gamed nature to accomplish that also, it is the essence of tacking, but this was a straight course. read...

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Some Shark Scientists Have Issues With Shark Week

"Shark Week" is a Discovery Channel event each summer, unsurprisingly about sharks. It came into existence because "Jaws" the book and then the film were huge hits and they never left the public consciousness after that.Now Shark Week is much the same, a part of the cultural lexicon. They used to market it, one year they even killed me off in a shark attack as part of their promotional stunt, but...

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