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Posts made in January, 2016

Whole Foods Still Perceived As Whole Paycheck – And That’s Bad For Shareholders

The days when Whole Foods could rely on elite prestige - customer were buying self-identification with higher prices on food - are gone now that organic marketing has actually convinced customers that it's food is not just a process or an ethical way of life but, as economist Chuck Benbrook often tried to claim, actually more nutritious than regular food.If the food itself is better just by...

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Whole Foods Still Perceived As Whole Paycheck – And That’s Bad For Shareholders

The days when Whole Foods could rely on elite prestige - customer were buying self-identification with higher prices on food - are gone now that organic marketing has actually convinced customers that it's food is not just a process or an ethical way of life but, as economist Chuck Benbrook often tried to claim, actually more nutritious than regular food.If the food itself is better just by...

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Journal Publishing Seralini Paper Claiming GMO Toxicity Disappears Faster Than His Career

How do you know the paper claiming GMO toxicity is in a journal that isn't very reputable? They don't have $9 to renew their domain. read...

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“It Was Not Designed As A Science Experiment” – Seralini Speaks Some Truth

“It Was Not Designed As A Science Experiment” – Seralini Speaks Some Truth

Dr. Gilles-Eric Seralini, the go-to researcher for Big Organic marketing groups and the partisan media enablers (SourceWatch, US Right To Know, Mother Jones) they fund, finally wrote something accurate in a paper - "it was not designed as a scientific experiment", even though the Deniers For Hire on his side claim it was just that. read...

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Pseudoscience And Shamanism Are Actually Not Scientific Dissent

We have a really dangerous anti-science problem in America and it involves short-term, pressing issues that can harm people right now - food and medicine. In America, those beliefs are primarily among rich, educated progressives: as Seth Mnookin recounted at NPR and I mentioned in Science Left Behind, you can draw a circle around a Whole Foods and find a whole host of crazy notions about...

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