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Posts made in March, 2019

It’s Biologically Impossible For Diet Soda To Increase Your Risk Of Heart Attack, But Statistics Can Make It 100%

I sometimes like to read the arXix preprint physics site. It's where a lot of papers go before they are in journals. It was open access, a way to see what scientists were working on before the results were locked behind a corporate journal paywall, before open access was even a thing.read...

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Government Accountability Office Has Awkward Questions For NASA About New James Webb Space Telescope Delays

Since 1990, the U.S Government Accountability Office (G.A.O.) has had NASA on its High Risk list due to persistent cost inflation and missed schedules.Well, NASA is bold adventure, right? Doing things no one else can do? Bureaucratic timetables can't stand in the way of science. Except just the opposite is true. GAO regards NASA as a job works program for the opposite reason than that its...

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Progressive White People Will Try To Appear Less Verbally Competent When Communicating With Minorities

When we think of racial bias we usually think about differences when being stopped by the police or being watched more closely in a small deli, but there is another facet of it, an indirect bias by people who otherwise behave in ways that seem diverse and tolerant. In a recent preprint paper, the authors concluded that white liberal politicians and individuals engage in "competence downshift"...

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Survey Claims Vaping Has Already Caused Heart Disease, But There’s A Big Catch

Survey results presented at the American College of Cardiology 2019 Annual Scientific Session led to a declaration that went well beyond the evidence - they said electronic cigarettes can lead to a dramatic increase in the odds of having a heart attack, coronary artery disease, and even depression and used that to state, "These data are a real wake-up call and should prompt more action and...

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Today 33 Million Americans Will Claim To Be Irish, But On St. Patrick’s Day In 1776 Few Irish Wanted To Be American

Many people don't realize July 4th, 1776 was not the day the war between America and Britain started, it's simply the day we traitorous colonists finally had enough of our own country's army attacking us, taking over our homes, stealing our food, locking up our guns, and throwing us in jail for no reason and we put the separation in writing.(1)read...

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