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Posts made in September, 2022

Wonder Pill – An ‘Endurance’ Supplement That Does Something, But Only Because It Has Illegal Medicine

In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton did something for his constituents that had a devastating effect on public trust in science - he exempted the supplements market from real FDA oversight, as long as they wrote in small print that their supernatural claims had not been evaluated by FDA and therefore had no scientific backing.(1)Supplements are not always garbage, if you have a diagnosed vitamin...

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The Real Reason Europeans Invented That Einstein Quote About Bees – Money

The Real Reason Europeans Invented That Einstein Quote About Bees – Money

Environmental groups who spent a lot of time and money promoting a Beepocalypse (and blaming it on a class of modern targeted pesticides called neonicotinoids) are getting really desperate to shore up their campaign.They have been promoting a 1994 quote from physicist Albert Einstein who worried about the loss of bees.Einstein died in 1955.But that is just a detail when the goal is saving Gaia....

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Biden Administration Says The Way To Prevent An Infant Formula Shortage Government Created Is More Government

If Product A and Product B are identical in every meaningful way, and Product A is unavailable, is there any reason the government should make it illegal to buy B?No, but that is government. The Biden administration first created an infant formula shortage by overreacting to contamination in a small batch. Then the president said he didn't know his actions would create a shortage. Then after he...

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Socialist UN Secretary General: Affordable Energy For The Poor Is The Problem

Since 2017, avowed socialist António Guterres has led the United Nations. That means he has led the organization that has never once defended people in Taiwan or Mongolia but defended communist China when it was clear they were the source of the COVID-19 outbreak. The UN even did as told when China weirdly said to blame the COVID-19 pandemic on American frozen food. Rather than the Wuhan...

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‘What Hath God Wrought’ – Today, Luddites Are Concerned About Weedkillers Like They Once Were The Telegraph

Do you believe the telegraph was giving telegraph operators cancer? If not, it's only because there was no Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or US Right To Know group promoting fear and doubt about it the way they do vaccines, food, and cell phones.On May 24th, 1844 a telegram was sent from the Capitol because Samuel Morse, the inventor, wanted a government contract. Because he was diplomatic, he let the...

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