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Posts made in February, 2012

The End Of College Lectures?

Americans like to fix things.  We like to improve and we are convinced the future will be better, a subset of people who want to retreat into the world of the past aside(1), but nothing has changed little despite a century of being criticized like university lectures.We can fix K-12 education. The overwhelmingly bipartisan No Child Left Behind did just that, it stopped the educational...

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Yoga Just Got A Lot More Interesting To Men

John Friend, the founder of Anusara, one of the world’s fastest-growing yoga styles, is being criticized by his yoga followers for being a bit of a rascal.  He has sex with students.  A lot.

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Yoga Just Got A Lot More Interesting To Men

John Friend, the founder of Anusara, one of the world’s fastest-growing styles, is being criticized by his yoga followers for being a bit of a rascal.  He has sex with students.  A lot.

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In Brains – And Garth Sundem – We Trust

If you are anything like me, and you had a chance to sit around with Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, you wouldn't ask fanboy questions like 'will we ever understand the soul?' or 'how much should I make fun of evolutionary psychology surveys about sex?' you would instead lean in conspiratorially and ask, 'what's the best way to get out of a speeding ticket?' read...

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Dear Media: Please Exaggerate The Risks Of Bat Flu

If if you're in media and tired old swine flu sounds too hammy to generate page views and bird flu does not make your audience cry fowl any more, there is good disease news - scientists may have found flu in bats. If bats can get a virus, why can't humans, in an anthropogenic, anthropocentric world?  Well, it isn't necessarily the flu in bats but it is genetic fragments of a flu virus....

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