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Posts made in April, 2016

Abengoa Leads The Way In Showing Solar Needs Fewer Subsidies

I am a big fan of solar power. In Science Left Behind I argued we should be doing basic research to improve our capabilities in the technology so that it can be a viable end game for when fossil fuels no longer make sense. read...

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Cold-fX Works As Well As Homeopathy Or Any Other Placebo – And Valeant May Lose A Lot Money Denying That

Cold-fX Works As Well As Homeopathy Or Any Other Placebo – And Valeant May Lose A Lot Money Denying That

Valeant Pharmaceuticals is in the British Columbia Supreme Court hoping to avoid lawsuit class-action status for ignoring their own scientists and claiming the popular "cold and flu remedy" Cold-fX actually works for cold and flu. read...

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Spurious Correlations: Abortion Laws May Lead To More Zika Microcephaly

Think Progress has found a way to use the tragedy of the Zika outbreak to advance their political agenda. America is one of two developed countries that allow abortion on demand at any stage for any reason (Canada is the other one) and the lack of a national policy has led to varying restrictions on that within the states. read...

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ACSH Is Now The American Council on Speculation and Hyperbole

For April...

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LHC Unveils New Hugs Boson – Embraces Supersymmetry With It

Hugs Boson.Supersymmetry proponents, who had been inconsolable after the first run of the LHC did nothing but eliminate more places where shadow particles of real physics could be...

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