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Posts made in June, 2015

Breakthrough Institute Should Be The Future Of Environmentalism

Environmentalism, once the domain of science-based progressives like Dr. Norm Borlaug, has been hijacked by...conservatives.You read that right. Outside America, 'conservative' usually meant 'attached to the old way', rather than not wanting to hand money over to the government to redistribute for votes. To those classic conservatives, the past is supreme. Sports were better, society was better,...

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Government-Funded Scientists Fail With GMO Wheat, Anti-Science Activists Still Cheer

A GMO wheat meant to reduce insecticide use rather than enable plants to survive heavy spraying that was being researched at public institution by government scientists rather than an evil biotech company is being celebrated by environmental groups...because it failed.Union of Concerned Scientists, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Working Group and others who routinely side...

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I Don’t Use The Term ‘Miracle’ Very Often, But…

This isn't the Dr. Oz show or some nutrition site selling Vitamin D supplements or whatever the big Superfood/Miracle Vegetable craze is this week, 'miracle' is a bit of a dirty word in science. But when it fits, you have to use it.And Hepatitis C may have gotten its miracle. It's not well known, Hepatitis C does not have the PR of diseases like AIDS, but 3 million people have it, many of...

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New York Bans Fracking, Prepares To Buy More Energy From Fracking

What do wealthy progressives in New York and California share in common? Both groups are happy to exploit poor people as part of their self-identification. In California, that has involved not vaccinating their children, instead letting poor kids get vaccinated to provide herd immunity for their special snowflakes, while in New York it means adopting a veil of environmental sincerity, by going...

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Conservatives Have Greater Self Control, Finds PNAS Study

Political conservatism is associated with greater attention regulation and task persistence versus liberalism - and that is due to  greater belief in free choice and individualism than liberals, finds a new paper in PNAS. This makes sense, it is also why conservatives give more to charity - a belief in big government means people will do something until they are forced to stop by...

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