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Posts made in November, 2018

NAFTA 2.0 – A Win For Farmers And The Environment

The North American Free Trade Agreement won't see its 25th birthday. The United States, Canada, and Mexico have signed on the dotted line for its replacement, The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement. The debate fell outside usual positions. Free trade is the hallmark of Republicans, they say, but they seemed to be unhappy with NAFTA. Democrats, in the old days, were protectionist about...

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Social Psychologists Don’t Trust Evolutionary Psychologists – And Scientists Don’t Trust Either

Do you want to believe that your car grill is determined by your personality or that lap dancers get better tips when they are ovulating? You probably like evolutionary psychology. Want to believe that surveys of psychology undergraduates at elite schools represent humanity, without the expense and risk of dealing with real people, who can be pretty sketchy? Social psychology is for...

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What Happens When Millennials Run The Workplace? Mic Now Knows The Answer

Want to know how to create a $1 million company? Give $60 million to someone claiming they are going to revolutionize journalism by hiring a bunch of young, edgy people who don't care about business or making money, but who believe success happens by being popular on Facebook.You know who is the only company with long-term success being popular on Facebook? Facebook. For everyone else, it is a...

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Women Only Earn 49% Of What Men Do, If You Use The Right Helping Verb

Women May Earn Just 49 Cents on the Dollar, is the title of an article by Annie Lowrey in The Atlantic.It's only below the fold that, after laying out lots of links and obfuscation and conflicting claims designed to make the audience believe the situation is oh so complicated that we get this quiet disclaimer:read...

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Wiley Debunks Fake News Censorship Claims

John Wiley&Sons Inc., the global academic publishing house with nearly $2 billion in revenue, recently got embroiled in a Twitter controversy about the efforts of one publication to go open access.read more

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