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Posts made in September, 2012

GM Opponents: Climate Deniers Of The Left

There is an obvious demographic thread that connects anti-science groups in food, in medicine, in research and pharmacy too, but most science media pundits are incapable of seeing it or flat out deny it.Yet it is hard to deny.  Meanwhile, every science media outlet publishes articles claiming the entire Republican party must be anti-science because more of them deny global warming and...

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Science Journalism Endorses *Ta-Da* Obama

Unlike mainstream journalism, science journalism is under no expectation, feigned or real, to be objective.  Because no one reads science journalism any more. 

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A Stealth War To Redefine Science

How do you turn political science, economics or surveys of college undergraduates into science?  You claim scientists are mean to people and not liberal and tolerant at all unless they agree with what you say next and then set out to redefine science so that just about anything can qualify.Anyone thinking on this for a moment can deduce there are going to get two reasons to do so, and they...

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Anti-Science Food Activists Go After President Obama

The anti-GMO contingent may be anti-science, and they may be overwhelmingly progressive, but what they are not - and it is refreshing - is hypocritical when it comes to criticizing their own side of the aisle. Outside America, anyway. read...

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Prop 37 Lawyer Claims He Never Thought Much About His Wording

Here is a head scratcher; when confronted about the vague, conflicting language in Proposition 37 - even the real name, the California Right to Know Genetically Modified Food Act, is weird and disjointed - Attorney James Wheaton, who made his fortune in nuisance lawsuits under the Proposition 65 labeling act he championed, told the Sacramento Bee's Dan Moran he put so little thought...

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