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Posts made in October, 2012

Selkirk Rex – Big Kitten Industry Creates Adorable Abomination Of Nature

In 1987, unthinking, primitive pre-GMO breeders exploited an abandoned shelter cat in Montana, with no one to defend it, for their own nefarious ends when it was discovered that this feline pawn gave birth to a curly-haired kitten. The kitten was then raped by a Persian male and gave birth to a mixture of curly-haired and normal-haired kittens, resulting in a horrible mutation that was now...

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Witch Trials And You: A Guide For Halloween

Witch Trials And You: A Guide For Halloween

It's that time of year again - All Hallows Eve - and that means an upsurge in witch sightings which inevitably leads to impromptu witch trials.As much as we appreciate that the residents of Salem do not passively sit back and wait for our just and benevolent God to find Mercy on the souls of witches, we think some guidelines are in order for the corporeal world so we want to clarify some things...

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Mappy Hour And Sex Clubs: Cartography Is A Lot Cooler Than When I Was Young

OpenStreetMap, an alternative to Google map data, has had a lot of success but can't agree on what direction to go next, say those in the know. An odd problem for people who make maps, right?But at least they are having fun trying. When I was young, the only sort-of controversy in maps was 'fairness' to third world countries.  We didn't say 'developing nations' back then, we said 'third...

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Can You Be Pro-Science And Pro-Environment In 2012?

If you think global warming deniers are anti-science about the environment, take a look at environmentalists.  While the former are only anti-science about one thing, environmentalists are increasingly on the wrong side of lots of science issues.Journalist Fred Pearce is an environmentalist and a journalist but even during the real nadir of science journalism, the mid-2000s, he was never an...

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Canada Recalls Organic Spices Due To Salmonella Contamination

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a warning that the public should not consume the Clef Des Champs brand organic products described below because these products may be contaminated with Salmonella bacteria (no one hospitalized yet, thankfully).Organic Ginger Ground rootOrganic Curry Spices Culinary Mix (3 sizes)Organic Spice Cake Culinary mixOrganic GingerThe manufacturer,...

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