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Posts made in September, 2016

California Methane Caps Could Hurt Organic Farming Most

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a new law demanding that dairy cows stop producing so much methane. They are basically giant fracking wells on four legs, after all.  read...

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March Against Monsanto Claims Vaccines Cause Cancer

In 2012's "Science Left Behind" I noted something that was perfectly obvious to anyone who was not in a progressive ideological bunker - that while both the American left and right were each anti-science about some things, only the right wing got any science media attention about it. And that was despite the fact that the left's anti-science beliefs are far more dangerous. read...

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A Win For Clean Energy

Today the House Committee on Ways and Means put a likely end to the production tax credit expiration for nuclear energy by approving H.R.5879 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities. Since new facilities will be public-private partnerships, and public entities can't be taxed, this was creating a lot of confusion and...

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Oregon Makes Goat Yoga Into A Thing

On the American Council on Science and Health Facebook page, you just never know what you are going to find, but if you had told me I would find goat yoga I'd have made...goat noises at you.Yet there it is, courtesy of the state of Oregon, the place where Californians who think San Francisco is too politically conservative and scientifically evidence-based move.And so goat yoga is a thing...

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Puzzle: What’s Gene Edited To Be Drought Resistant But Not A GMO? Corn

With GMOs going off patent, anti-science activists and the PR groups running interference for them (such as US Right To Know and Sourcewatch) are running out of time to use one of the arguments they love most to disguise the fact that they hate science; that corporations control the food supply.Because GMOs are patented, they have  an expiration and that is happening right now. If it's not...

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