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Posts made in December, 2023

New York Times Defended Harvard’s Claudia Gay Using ‘Duplicative Language’ But Is Suing OpenAI Over It

After Harvard leader (and Board member of Harvard Corp.) Claudia Gay dismissed concerns about anti-Semitism due to lack of protection from hate speech and violence directed at Jewish people, the broader community began to look at the scholarly work of this little-known activist who somehow was placed in charge of nearly $60 billion in money - and having a vote in hiring or firing herself.There...

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In The New Year, Consider Less-Discussed Health Benefits

Lose Weight Without SufferingEveryone wants an easy solution to being more fit but the only thing easy is eating too much pizza. Since 2022 we've been treated to far too many pictures of celebrities with weird "Ozempic Face" because their vanity is stronger than their desire for energy balance.You don't need a gimmick, you do need a little willpower. Commercial gyms love this time of year because...

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SCOTUS Banned Racism In University Admissions But Little Will Change

A CNN article notes that black students may now feel less inclined to mention their race when applying to colleges. They frame it as a blow against Affirmative Action by pesky conservatives on the Supreme Court, but removing racism can't be a bad thing.read...

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Weekend Science: Coffee And Static Electricity – Is Water The Answer Or A Grinding Mess?

Weekend Science: Coffee And Static Electricity – Is Water The Answer Or A Grinding Mess?

In some homes, it is believed that static electricity can lead to inferior grinding, and that has coffee connoisseurs searching for answers.Will water help, or is it just making a mess because while a little may help, people will use too much? Coffee is prone to fads the way athletics - nasal strips, cryo-therapy, those weird blue-light filter glasses - and certainly nutrition is. A study...

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Critical Thinking Vs Rote: Why Asia Leads In Student Standardized Tests But Not Adult Science

Critical Thinking Vs Rote: Why Asia Leads In Student Standardized Tests But Not Adult Science

Once per year, America goes through cultural spasms over international standardized tests. One group says only more money for government union employees will fix it while another claims young people are just dumber today while another claims that only dismantling education will restore America to its former glory.They all claim they are being critical because they care; "it's for the children."It...

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