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Posts made in March, 2012

Einstein’s Brain Has Arrived

Einstein wanted to be cremated and his ashes spread in a secret location to avoid creating a shrine or anything weird.He got the weird instead. Dr. Thomas Harvey, the pathologist on call the evening Einsten died of a burst aortic aneurysm, stole his brain.  Why? Who knows why, he was no brain specialist.  He got  retroactive permission from Einstein's son, Hans...

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Raw Milk Quarantine Lifted – You Still Shouldn’t Drink It

I drank raw milk as a kid.  If you were poor and living in the country decades ago, when dairy farmers still had some measure of autonomy from government rules, you probably did too.  It didn't hurt me. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to drink it; now, instead of poor people in the country who didn't want to pay a lot for milk in a store because it was price controlled by the...

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Adorable Abomination Of Nature Wins Swiss Hearts

Adorable Abomination Of Nature Wins Swiss Hearts

A six-legged calf has defied the odds by thriving despite a vet's prediction at birth that it would not survive - and now the Swiss public has fallen in love with Lilli.Farmer Andreas Knutti from Weissenburg told Blick that a curve in her spine means that Lilli may never become a normal milk cow. Regardless, he couldn't euthanize her because she is just too darn cute.Lilli. Photograph: Peter...

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Footloose In Real Life: NYC Department of Education Wants To Ban ‘Dancing’

The New York City Department of Education wants to remove words that  might upset special interests from standardized tests. Which special interests?  Apparently all of them, if you look at the list, even special interests no one knew existed.

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Trust In Science Has Declined Among Conservatives – Why?

There was a time when people on the right trusted science far more than moderates and liberals. Distrust of scientists, including levels that verged on raging paranoia, was limited to the left side of the political spectrum. read...

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