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Posts made in July, 2016

Why Has Organic Farming Flatlined?

Organic farming should be in a Golden Age. Organic marketing groups, and the junkyard dogs they pay to attack scientists (1) finally got mandatory labeling on conventional food, the public is already spending $13,000,000,000 on organic food in the U.S. alone, and margins have shown to be much higher.I have long wondered why everyone doesn't switch to organic farming.It's that pesky free...

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For Environmentalists, The Summer Before Elections Is The Battle Of The Bulge

For Environmentalists, The Summer Before Elections Is The Battle Of The Bulge

Environmental groups in major cities all across America have sent their armies marching, a last, desperate attempt to ideologically plunder everything they can before the November election. They have good reason to gain as much ground as possible now. While Republicans will insist that we are doomed if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, and Democrats will claim the same about Donald Trump,...

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Russia Loves Science When It Comes To Cheating In Sports, But Not In Food

Russia Loves Science When It Comes To Cheating In Sports, But Not In Food

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin recently signed Federal Law 358-FZ, which bans genetic engineering of plants and animals for the indefinite future. read...

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There Is Reasonable Discourse In The GMO Label Debate

There Is Reasonable Discourse In The GMO Label Debate

In response to an overtly science-hostile bill by the state government in Vermont (1), the U.S. House of Representatives preemptively passed a softball GMO labeling law in 2015. Anti-science groups (Friends of the Earth, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists, et al.) and their paid Deniers for Hire (Sourcewatch, US Right To Know, every other organic trade rep) were understandably apoplectic,...

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