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Posts made in December, 2022

Patents Are Bad For Science, Says Taxpayer Funded Academic

We don't get many new antibiotics in America despite there being a great need. The reason is simple; though 85% of American drug spending is for "generic" - it is off patent, so anyone can make it without doing any work - a lot of people want everything to be generic. And cheap.There is nothing cheap about science, so companies who don't want to spend $1 billion and 10 years for a new antibiotic...

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CNN Joins ABC In Not Endorsing A Carcinogen On Its New Years Eve Telecast

Neither CNN nor ABC will have hosts like Ryan Seacrest and Anderson Cooper firing up cigarettes during this year's New Years Eve broadcasts, watched by millions across the U.S. Wait, they did that last year? Of course not(1) but another class 1 carcinogen - determined when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was still a legitimate epidemiology group and not the modern...

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CNN Joins ABC In Not Endorsing A Carcinogen On Its New Years Eve Telecast

Neither CNN nor ABC will have hosts like Ryan Seacrest and Anderson Cooper firing up cigarettes during this year's New Years Eve broadcasts, watched by millions across the U.S. Wait, they did that last year? Of course not(1) but another class 1 carcinogen - determined when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was still a legitimate epidemiology group and not the modern...

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The Renewable Energy Paradox – When Everyone Gets It No One Will

Unlike US environmentalists, Belgian greens didn't flip and suddenly regard hydropower as a bad thing, they regard it as a viable part of their renewable energy strategy. All options are on the table, 50 percent of their electricity is even nuclear.  That's smart, nuclear is 2 times the energy capacity of natural gas and obviously an order of magnitude greater and more reliable than wind and...

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This Counterpunch Monsanto Conspiracy Theory Article Is Just A Veneer For Paid Gambling Sites

An account going by the name of Andy Hsieh, there is a lot of astroturf in the anti-science community so it's hard to know if it's even a real blogger, wrote one of those predictable screeds endorsing their political allies, this time against agriculture.It could have been cell phones or vaccines or nuclear energy - 84% of the time if you see any of those you know every political and scientific...

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