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Posts made in September, 2015

American Council On Science And Health Embraces Transparency: Will Others Follow?

American Council On Science And Health Embraces Transparency: Will Others Follow?

If you get money from a corporation, are you for sale?It’s obviously a silly question, since almost everyone in America signs the backs of checks ratherr than the front of them, yet much of the public tends to think that if a scientist gets funding from the government or a corporation, they are mandated to produce a specific, pre-chosen result, even though those same people would not agree that...

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How 40 Percent Of People Function In The Morning Remains A Mystery

How 40 Percent Of People Function In The Morning Remains A Mystery

A new survey finds that how 40 percent of people function is a scientific mystery - because only 60 percent of people start their mornings with coffee.This is baffling in a country where $18 billion annually is spent just on specialty coffees. read...

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Is mandatory GMO labeling unconstitutional?

A Supreme Court decision in Reed v. the Town of Gilbert (which concerned the constitutionality of certain standards for or restrictions on signage in a town in Arizona) may mean that process-specific food-labeling initiatives are likely to be deemed unconstitutional by federal courts.

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Whole Foods Is Not What Made Organic Food Mainstream, Kroger Is

Whole Foods Is Not What Made Organic Food Mainstream, Kroger Is

If you prefer an organic toxic pesticide over a synthetic one, or prefer food created with older genetic modification rather than the modern kind, then you are willing to pay more for those values.And it was only a matter of time before companies followed the...

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Are Eggs Without Eggs Still Eggs? Vegan Company Demands Investigation

If you walk into a store and think you are buying vegan food and it turns out to be made of meat, are you going to be outraged?That is at the heart of a mayonnaise controversy that has been whipped up by Hampton Creek, which makes vegan food and has a mayonnaise they want to sell as mayonnaise. But Federal law put a stop to just slapping a name on a fake product over 70 years ago, that is...

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