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Posts made in August, 2020

Eat A Vegetarian Diet If It Suits You, It Won’t Make You Healthier – Only Fewer Calories Will

People often adopt vegetarian or even vegan diets because they are told it will make them healthier, but the same epidemiological correlation that tried to link butter with heart disease claimed trans fats would prevent it, and now statistical links claim just the opposite. read...

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Eat A Vegetarian Diet If It Suits You, It Won’t Make You Healthier – Only Fewer Calories Will

People often adopt vegetarian or even vegan diets because they are told it will make them healthier, but the same epidemiological correlation that tried to link butter with heart disease claimed trans fats would prevent it, and now statistical links claim just the opposite. read...

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My Comment To USDA On Exempting The Blight-Resistant American Chestnut From Government Regulatory Cycles

You may heard "chestnuts on an open fire" at Christmas but they are a lot of rarer than they once were. That is due to nature, and importation of a fungus that decimated 4,000,000,000 and caused this beautiful hardwood to disappear from eastern forests.But after 28 years of research, an academic group solved the problem using a gene found in grains, strawberries, etc. It is completely...

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How Effective Will A COVID-19 Vaccine Need To Be To Stop The Pandemic? There’s Bad News

Researchers are on the hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine to eliminate the need for mask wearing and current limits on interpersonal gatherings (except protests), but a new model says it still may not help the world exit a lingering economic depression.read...

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How Effective Will A COVID-19 Vaccine Need To Be To Stop The Pandemic? There’s Bad News

Researchers are on the hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine to eliminate the need for mask wearing and current limits on interpersonal gatherings (except protests), but a new model says it still may not help the world exit a lingering economic depression.read...

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