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Posts made in January, 2024

Peer Review Is A Business, And That’s Why Journals Often Ignore Concerns About Papers

With some journals publishing 100,000 articles per year, you have to be truly naïve to believe they are all peer-reviewed in the sense that the public thinks peer review works. Journals don't pay for peer review, but they sure get paid, often even to publish articles.read...

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Minorities Don’t Buy Populist Rhetoric Of Either US Party As Much As Whites Do

America is one of the most religiously, racially and ethnically diverse countries in the world, but that doesn't mean Latinos, Asians or Blacks believe that Democrats and Republicans want them as anything more than reliable voting blocs.A new analysis finds that though Asians were up 35 percent between 2010 and 2020, Latinos increased 23 percent and the Black population increased by 6 percent...

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CDC Regulations Stopped Everything Except The COVID-19 Pandemic

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, government health officials went to Congress to ask for more funding to help with Ebola. Prior to that they asked for more funding to help stop Teen Vaping. Prior to that they asked for more funding to stop the Prediabetes Epidemic.After the pandemic they created regulations to keep landlords from evicting deadbeat tenants. They created regulations to force...

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Deep Sea Vision Thinks They Found Amelia Earhart’s Plane

Deep Sea Vision Thinks They Found Amelia Earhart’s Plane

In July of 1937, Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan never arrived at Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean, on their trip around the world.In September, the Deep Sea Vision team, funded privately by Tony Romeo, began scanning 5,200 square miles in search of Earhart and Noonan's Lockheed 10-E Electra aircraft - and they think they have location it. Their proof are sonar images of a plane-shaped object...

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Science Denial: Alternatives To Medicine Like Acupuncture And Naturopathy Increased A Lot In 20 Years

Republicans joined the anti-vaccine movement in 2021 but you might not know it xisted prior to that. Academics and allied journalists would roll out surveys showing that the anti-vaccine movement was similar on both sides to rationalize the behavior of their tribe - while ignoring actual data.Data like that that coast of California had more vaccine exemptions for school kids than the rest of the...

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