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Posts made in April, 2015

How Yoga Changed To Appeal To The Changing US Market

To many practitioners of yoga in the United States, its original form would be unrecognizable in everything but the name. What was once about spirituality is now about health and physical fitness. If you are going to be a guru in the US, one tenet of yoga remains from the past - go with the flow. As the medical claims of yoga became more prevalent and yoga catapulted into a...

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Do GMOs Have Too Much Baggage? My Appearance On AgriTalk Today

Periodically I get invited to talk about science and food on the nationwide AgriTalk radio program, hosted by Mike Adams - not the Natural News guy,  this is the one who likes farmers.Joining me today was Roxi Beck of the Center for Food Integrity. You're all used to me so what I say may not be anything new, but Beck made terrific points, namely that even as people are supportive of...

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Oprah Dumps The Dr. Oz Radio Show

Oprah Winfrey, who made Dr. Oz famous by proclaiming him America's Doctor®, is dumping "The Daily Dose With Dr. Oz," a 'radio minute' produced by Oprah's Harpo Productions.

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More Criticism Of Dr. Oz By Scientists

Though Dr. Oz made a valiant effort at rehabilitating his reputation by appearing contrite in an NBC interview and conceding that his stethoscope and medical scrubs are to be taken as simple props, since his goal on "The Dr. Oz Show" is not to discuss medicine, but his bullying of detractors on his own program didn't go without notice.He may claim anyone who disagrees with him is a shill - though...

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Dr. Oz: A Mea Culpa Or Finally Aware?

Dr. Oz: A Mea Culpa Or Finally Aware?

On today's "Dr. Oz" television show, Dr. Mehmet Oz finally addressed what has worried some and infuriated others about his media career; the show addressed the possibility that a gifted medical professional with too many awards to count had gone off the alternative medicine deep end.  read...

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