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Posts made in May, 2018

Sue And Settle Environmental Attorneys Are Having A Harder Time At EPA

The days when environmental litigation groups like Earthjustice and Farmworker Justice had friendly voices in EPA and the White House seem like two years in the past. Because they are two years in the past. Where once environmental groups could write entire documents for the White House to repost in the name of the U.S., now they cry foul if organizations like Heartland even have email exchanges...

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Sue And Settle Environmental Attorneys Are Having A Harder Time At EPA

The days when environmental litigation groups like Earthjustice and Farmworker Justice had friendly voices in EPA and the White House seem like two years in the past. Because they are two years in the past. Where once environmental groups could write entire documents for the White House to repost in the name of the U.S., now they cry foul if organizations like Heartland even have email exchanges...

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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons – Chinese Epidemiologists Declare Your Barbecue Will Kill You

The American Chemical Society is a not-for-profit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. That doesn't keep their editors from lobbying against science and common sense, like when a team of authors in Environmental Science&Technology, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, are allowed to terrify Americans by scaremongering the American barbecue grill the weekend...

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Nominations For 2018 Sartorius & Science Prize In Regenerative Medicine And Cell Therapy

If you are a scientist who received their PhD/MD within the past 10 years you can apply for the 2018 Sartorius&Science Prize in Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy by October 1, 2018. The Sartorius Group is a pharmaceutical and laboratory equipment provider. The grand prize is $25,000 and a publication of your essay in Science while the Grand Prize essay and three runners-up will be...

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3 Recommendations For Elisabete Weiderpass, The New IARC Director

To the relief of the real science community everywhere, the era of Chris Wild is almost over at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). That means maybe they can get back to finding carcinogens rather than manufacturing them.read more

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