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Posts made in January, 2013

Science Left Behind Excerpt In New Scientist

If you subscribe to New Scientist, you can read an excerpt of "Science Left Behind" by their editors, drawn from the book and dealing with some of the more nonsensical ways progressives get catered to by politicians who are happy to check science, reason and data at the door if it will get out some votes; in this case by replacing plastic utensils in the Congressional cafeteria with corn-based...

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Dr. Evil As Spokesman For Neuroscience: You’ll Pay $1 Trillion In Health Care Costs Unless…

In the United States, billions of dollars have been spent on marketing to convince people to go into science careers, despite the difficulty many PhDs will have finding jobs in academia. That, coupled with the fact that efforts are on to make funding more 'equal' and establish quotas for young researchers, minorities and female grant applicants means a finite funding pool could be even more...

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Waste: Some Scientists May Have Taken Millions In Duplicate Funding

When fiscal hawk Sen. Tom Coburn set his sights on waste (funding humanities nonsense) and duplication at the National Science Foundation, there was outrage that a politician might actually look out for how taxpayer money was used. read...

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Farm Bill Cuts $22 Million From Organic Food Sticker Funding

When Congress passed the newest farm bill extension at the beginning of this month, they cut $22 million being paid under the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program, along with several other subsidies to organic farmers. That means you and I and everyone else no longer have to pay so organic farmers can put that sticker on organic food.  After all, if traditional food was...

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Gluten-Free: Another Form Of Extreme Dieting

When I wrote Celiac: The Trendy Disease For Rich White People, it made a lot of people mad.  Not actual celiac patients, they knew where I was coming from, but rather the fad diet contingent who put up websites linking to articles claiming wheat causes vaccines and what-not.When even sites like The Daily Beast, who are almost Dr. Oz-ish in their willingness to embrace pseudoscience, note...

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