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Posts made in May, 2014

FrankenCabbage-Scorpion Chimera: Science Terrifies Anti-Science Hippies By Being Awesome Again

How dare biologists create something not found in nature!Well, mankind has a lot of experience in trying to keep nature from killing us - the war between man and nature is a grudge match whose history and resentments run deep.  When scientists stop trying to keep nature from killing us is when we should worry. read...

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PETA Reinvents Science And Medicine, Declares That Milk Causes Autism

Not horrified by PETA's graphic images of food processing or titillated by their penchant for exploiting naked women enough to stop eating meat?The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have opened a new front in their culture war; they have declared that increased Autism Spectrum Diagnoses are due to milk. read...

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Only Science Illiterates Think “Belief In Evolution” Is A Measure Of Science Literacy

American adults lead the world in science literacy, America leads the world in science output, America leads the world in Nobel prizes.Yet once a year a survey comes out about evolution and people who hate Religion and/or Republicans use the results as a club in their culture war.Ask the average atheist who 'accepts' evolution about adaptive radiation and most will sputter something meaningless....

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Only Science Illiterates Think “Belief In Evolution” Is A Measure Of Science Literacy

American adults lead the world in science literacy, America leads the world in science output, America leads the world in Nobel prizes.Yet once a year a survey comes out about evolution and people who hate Religion and/or Republicans use the results as a club in their culture war.Ask the average atheist who 'accepts' evolution about adaptive radiation and most will sputter something meaningless....

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Predictor Of Extra-Marital Affairs Among Women Married To Fishermen – Penis Size

The Deadliest Catch details the work travails of Bering Sea crab fishermen, but African wives of fishermen may be having adventures of their own.The authors of a recent paper estimated that up to 60% of men and 50% of women report extra-marital partnerships in their lifetime - and they believe those numbers are under-reported, especially among women, due to cultural constraints. In reality, range...

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