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Posts made in October, 2015

A Ghostbusters Tour Of Manhattan

It's Halloween and I am in New York and I wanted to do something local. But since Sleepy Hollow does not have a way to get there by subway (I don't even know where I would rent a car in Manhattan, I suppose I could get there by bus, but even using a subway is a populist stretch for me) I instead decided to get up and create a Ghostbusters tour.  Why? Because even though only three actual...

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Would We Be Ready For A New Pandemic?

In 2014, one person confirmed with Ebola set off a panic in the United States. Though 28,000 people died of heart disease while media attention focused on that outbreak, and anti-vaccine parents on the West Coast were suddenly prepared to spend any amount of money to get their kids immunized against it, what happened with pandemic preparation after the fear subsided was...not much.The fact is, we...

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Science On Tap In Manhattan Starring…Me

Science On Tap In Manhattan Starring…Me

If you are in Manhattan or one of the five boroughs or New Jersey or Long Island and want a free beer and to talk about science communication, you are invited to join me as guest of honor at the Science On Tap event, October 28th from 6:30-9:30 PM. The location is Connolly's Pub&Restaurant at 121 West 45th Street. read...

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It’s “Back To The Future” Day! Where’s my Reagan-Themed Restaurant?

The sci-fi comedy "Back To The Future" is a seminal piece of modern cinema. Like "Blade Runner" (and unlike most movies of any kind, much less science fiction, where special effects are important) from the same period, it holds up really well. read...

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Conflict Of Interest: Anti-Fracking Study Authors Didn’t Disclose Financial Ties To Environmental Group

The world of social media has been abuzz with the revelation that anti-science economist Dr. Chuck Benbrook was involved in an orchestrated campaign to demonize scientists and promote the agenda of his corporate sponsors. The chain of dark money wends its way through sites like SourceWatch, US Right To Know, Mother Jones and on to science critics like Michael Pollan, Dr. Marion Nestle and Dr....

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