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Posts made in January, 2019

In Trial, E-Cigarettes Work Better For Smoking Cessation Than Big Pharma Products

In a multi-center trial of almost 900 smokers(1), e-cigarettes were shown to be twice as effective as pharmaceutical "gold standard" approaches like gums, lozenges, and patches.read more

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In Trial, E-Cigarettes Work Better For Smoking Cessation Than Big Pharma Products

In a multi-center trial of almost 900 smokers(1), e-cigarettes were shown to be twice as effective as pharmaceutical "gold standard" approaches like gums, lozenges, and patches.read more

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The First Photonic Quantum Computer Is About To Come To Market – You Read That Right

If you've read anything about computers for the last 25 years, you've read the hype about quantum computing and how it is going to be better and faster and with less heat and replace conduction-based chips and it will generally be awesome. And then nothing happens outside a lot of arXiv papers and some physics magic published in journals. Quantum computing has basically gotten the best marketing...

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If You Are Going To Communicate Science, Be Yoda Instead Of Spock

Nothing killed science culture more than Spock from the 1960s television show "Star Trek." He was wildly popular because he was so logical and reasoned. Emotions did not enter into his decisions. Scientists flocked to that mystique and so a whole generation of scholars sought to be dispassionate and data-driven in their interactions with the public.read...

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Terrible At Sports? Low Vitamin D Is To Blame. Or Not. Turns Out It’s All Hype

In 2015, I predicted that someone was going to end up in the hospital due to overdoses on supplements.But don't you always say they are useless placebos? a friend asked.No, they are not all placebos, but products sold as supplements that do something are either actual drugs, like kratom, and thus should be regulated as drugs, they are useless placebos adulterated with actual drugs, like many...

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