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Posts made in March, 2021

Imaginarity: New Paper Says The Imaginary Part Of Quantum Mechanics Can Be Observed

Mathematics is a language and languages can be used to create stories. It just takes imagination to create time travel or wormholes or theories of strings or lots of nice things theoretical physicists throw into arXiv.Sometimes math has to create a story because real numbers don't work, even if the physics does.Wave-particle duality, a foundation of quantum mechanics, has a fascinating science...

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‘Real Water’ Brand Alkaline Water, Now With More Hepatitis

Alkaline water is just nonsense but anyone still buying it knows all of the science debunking and buys it anyway, so let's not berate rich dumb people any more than needed. While they are getting no benefit, what “Real Water” brand alkaline water customers do obtain is acute non-viral hepatitis, according to the the FDA, CDC and the Southern Nevada Health District.read...

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Being A New Mom Can Make You ‘A Little’ OCD

A new survey estimates that 8% of pregnant women reported symptoms that meet criteria for a clinical diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and in the 38 weeks after having a child that jumped to 17% - a huge increase over other surveys.read...

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Dog or Machine? Which is Better at Sniffing Out Bombs?

Dogs have keen olfactory sensory neurons, receptor proteins great for differentiating smells humans never notice. One reason is basic biology; they breathe and smell separately. Electronic sniffers mimic many of the same processes dogs have - and require far less specialized training.So which is better? The Reactions team at the American Chemical Society wanted to get the latest.read...

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Dog or Machine? Which is Better at Sniffing Out Bombs?

Dogs have keen olfactory sensory neurons, receptor proteins great for differentiating smells humans never notice. One reason is basic biology; they breathe and smell separately. Electronic sniffers mimic many of the same processes dogs have - and require far less specialized training.So which is better? The Reactions team at the American Chemical Society wanted to get the latest.read...

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