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Posts made in April, 2024

Evolutionary Psychology: Your Parents Income During Pregnancy Made You Gay

Evolutionary psychology, the discipline that claimed we're being manipulated by flowers and evolved to like the appearance of black men, also made the bold assertion that the income of your parents during pregnancy made you...gay?read...

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With Skittles Banned, California Democrats Are Targeting Froot Loops and Doritos Next

California Democrats know to strike when the anti-science iron is hot, so hot on the heels of banning red dye No. 3, using nothing but the same suspect epidemiology that turned the state into a laughing stock with Prop 65 'may cause cancer' warnings on 65,000 products, they are going after red dye 40.Think of all the lives being saved by all those bans. There must have been corpses lining the...

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Fed Is Best: Parents Are Pushing Back Against Influencer Driven Baby Food Fundamentalism

A New Yorker writer extols bucking modern food militancy in a story about a world where infants could try lemons and schnitzel.Basically, before the 1990s, when pregnant women were shamed into believing if they had a glass of wine their child would have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (but only US babies - European pregnant women are fine without Puritan mullahs) and that they needed to stay home and...

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Solar Uber Alles: Germans Turn On The Green Party After Realizing They Lied About Nuclear Energy

With the solar and wind replacements touted by the German Green Party shown to be expensive failures, and environmentalists helping the German coal industry lie about its emissions to avoid blame for getting nuclear energy banned being exposed, the knives are out for the activists who drove Germany into such a state that German companies are closing plants and dumping money into America.To...

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Solar Companies, Only Viable By Government Mandates And Subsidies, Plead For Bailout

If you have to pay for companies to make a product, and then pay for people to buy it, and then pay for them to use it, you don't have a product, you have government wishful thinking.That is the problem with solar power. When the Obama administration first took a basic research funding effort and decided it was time to subsidize it, and a miracle of free markets would take over, companies which...

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