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Posts made in September, 2021

‘Silent Earth’ Review: Scientists Have Been Bought Off, Organic Can Feed Everyone – It’s Retro Creepy In 2021

To most people, food production, home ownership, and energy don't have much in common, but in the hands of 'science is a corporate conspiracy' theorist Dave Goulson, humans are ruining the planet. The common cultural cancer underpinning of our problem, he believes, is capitalism.Rachel Carson believed misuse of DDT was harming birds, Goulson claims our very existence is. And his solemn false...

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Does Biden’s OSHA Mandate Violate The Nuremberg Code?

President Biden is using his Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) agency to mandate vaccines for companies - by saying they need it to protect workers' safety.read more

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Gallop: Both Republicans And Democrats Are Wildly Overstating Risks From COVID-19

There is no question that COVID-19 is the worst pandemic of my lifetime. It has led to greater absolute US deaths than the Asian Flu of 1957 and the Spanish Flu of 1918, though obviously we are 2X and 3X the population, respectively, of those pandemics so in relative terms they remain way ahead.Where we also lead over the two other large US pandemics of the last 100 years is fear and...

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California Fire Started By Shaman Who Claimed She Was Boiling Bear Urine

Alexandra Souverneva, 30, a self-proclaimed shaman, but in the real world once a PhD student in SUNY's New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, said she had decided to hike to Canada from her home in Palo Alto - 1,500 miles - when she became thirsty and then decided to boil what she claimed was bear urine. Thus began the Fawn fire, one name in California's annual litany of...

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PlakTak: The Military Has Developed Candy That’s Healthy

The US military has quietly led to a lot of technological advancements that few know about. One recent example; before we had a serious COVID-19 infectious disease problem to worry about, the US National Institutes of Health tried to use Ebola in parts of Africa to ask Congress for $100 million in emergency funding to combat it. In the US. Where it did not exist.read...

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