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Posts made in August, 2018

Ray Tracing Is Back Again. Is It Real This Time? Nvidia Thinks So

Ray tracing has been a hot topic since...well, at least 350 B.C. in the western world, when Aristotle described his camera obscura and wrote that the eye is 'a darkened chamber awaiting light.' Da Vinci was fascinated by it, as was Descartes. And of course Einstein wanted to understand light quanta.In the 1990s, software and hardware companies began to tout it, but like Atari Jaguar's claim it...

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Epidemiologists Link DDT From The 1970s To Modern Autism Diagnoses

DDT was banned by a politician in the US in 1972 and was banned a few years later in Finland, so how can it be causing autism now?The answer is statistics. The same curve that can show autism is linked to organic food can link autism to anything and if you are at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health you are very much against corporations and in need of a way to get in the New...

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HBO No: John Oliver’s Awkward Support For The Anti-Vaccine Community

On Sunday evening, John Oliver of HBO's "Last Week Tonight" took a break from talking about Paul Manafort's clothing to talk about public trust in science. Well, sort of. Really, he claimed he wanted to expose "astroturf" groups - fake organizations that look like real "grassroots" ones. You can imagine how I surprised I was on Saturday when I found out he was going to be talking about...

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Appeals Court Wants EPA To Ban Chlorpyrifos, Without Seeing Any Data

Environmental trial lawyers are thrilled that the politically friendly 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California read more

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