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Posts made in October, 2017

Mapping The Wobbles Broke Another Dark Matter Hypothesis

It may not seem to make sense but most of the universe - mass - can really only account for about 6 percent of what is going on. The rest of it can be under just about any umbrella at this point. Some call it the God of the Gaps, scientists call the unknown mass Dark Matter. What is it? No one knows, when it comes to the very large and the very small, physics does not have all the answers, but...

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Mapping The Wobbles Broke Another Dark Matter Hypothesis

It may not seem to make sense but most of the universe - mass - can really only account for about 6 percent of what is going on. The rest of it can be under just about any umbrella at this point. Some call it the God of the Gaps, scientists call the unknown mass Dark Matter. What is it? No one knows, when it comes to the very large and the very small, physics does not have all the answers, but...

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An End To Politicization Of Science At EPA?

If scientists and journalists want the politicization of science to stop, they have to be part of the solution, even if a guy they didn't vote for is in power. But now that he is, all the talk about "depoliticizing science" has been exposed as the farce that we always knew it was.read...

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An End To Politicization Of Science At EPA?

If scientists and journalists want the politicization of science to stop, they have to be part of the solution, even if a guy they didn't vote for is in power. But now that he is, all the talk about "depoliticizing science" has been exposed as the farce that we always knew it was.read...

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