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Posts made in December, 2018

Advil, Grilled Food, And Disinfectants: 3 Scare Stories From 2018 You Can Leave In The Past

The year 2018 began much like every year does, full of promise and hope. And it ended like almost every year does, jaded and weakened by compromise. read more

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Advil, Grilled Food, And Disinfectants: 3 Scare Stories From 2018 You Can Leave In The Past

The year 2018 began much like every year does, full of promise and hope. And it ended like almost every year does, jaded and weakened by compromise. read more

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Compostable Plastic Bag Create Confusion For European Policy Makers

Compostable Plastic Bag Create Confusion For European Policy Makers

European scientific decision-making is often overtly political and that can lead to decisions which defy common sense. Case in point; disposing of food waste. In some countries they want food waste separated into its own garbage can but people can't use plastic bags, even if modern science has created a plastic that is just as compostable as the food. In some countries they can.There is no way...

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We Don’t Have A Teen Vaping Crisis In The US

With the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rightly cracking down on sales of vaping devices to minors and U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams making a recent statement of concern, media are again repeating claims of an epidemic of vaping among children.read more

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Conventional, Organic, When It Comes To Pesticides The American Food Supply Is Safe Again This Year

Despite another year of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hyperventilating weeks after a foodborne illness occurs (devastating lettuce farmers while showing how they little they know when exaggerating what they do know), the more evidence-based bodies at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture made 2018 safe to go into the pantry...

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