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Posts made in June, 2013

Methane In Drinking Water – What’s The Rumpus?

Methane has been in water since man has been able to drink water from the ground - but when environmental activists sink their teeth into a fundraising issue, it suddenly becomes a cancer epidemic (nuclear power, along with everything else) and, in the case of hydraulic fracturing - fracking - the Earth deflating and even setting water on fire.Now, water on fire is hilarious. Pittsburgh, like...

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Fracking Opponents Disappointed In President Obama Being Reasonable On Natural Gas

Dr. Daniel P. read...

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Fracking Opponents Disappointed In President Obama Being Reasonable On Natural Gas

Dr. Daniel P. read...

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Active Denial 2013 – The Military’s Modern Microwave Pain Ray

In the 1980s, basic science super-advocate President Ronald Reagan got a pitch about creating a futuristic non-lethal way to subdue people without injuring them. He loved the idea and by the end of the decade it was being developed.Most everyone has a microwave oven in their house. Its 2.45 GHz frequency gives it a long wavelength so it can cook your food by penetrating deeply. Obviously, cooking...

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Bruno Was A Martyr For Magic, Not Science

The contrarian in me forces me to argue against sides I would ordinarily agree with when the argument is made from a flawed premise; California's Proposition 37 got a thumbs down from me because there's no reason a terrifically unhealthy Whole Foods organic cupcake should have zero ingredient labeling requirements while a cupcake mix you buy in a store should have a warning label - the Whole...

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