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Posts made in January, 2023

Colorado Be Dammed: California Refuses Plan To Cut Its River Water Usage

One thing Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming share in common is getting water from the Colorado River - and being frustrated that California, which takes the most, refuses to join their plan to cut water consumption before it's too late.read...

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Politicization of Science? Pebble Mine Veto May Get Blocked In Court, But What About The Science?

The Biden administration has not been shy about reorganizing science and health until it does what they want, and a new move to block a mine in Alaska will probably not pass legal challenges, but is he right on the science this time?(1)First, it is important to know politicians are rarely correct. There is no 'party of science' and no 'scientist in chief'. that is just an intellectual halo...

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Politicization of Science? Pebble Mine Veto May Get Blocked In Court, But What About The Science?

The Biden administration has not been shy about reorganizing science and health until it does what they want, and a new move to block a mine in Alaska will probably not pass legal challenges, but is he right on the science this time?(1)First, it is important to know politicians are rarely correct. There is no 'party of science' and no 'scientist in chief'. that is just an intellectual halo...

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Fall Armyworm And Maize: If We Want Africa To Feed Itself, Europe Has To Stop Penalizing Them For Using Science

Thanks to the fall armyworm, nearly all of Africa's maize crop is in jeopardy, finds a new study. The new projection was made using 3,175 geo-tagged occurrences and factoring in physiological and climatological requirements to geographically assess its range. They showed that almost 92 percent of Africa’s maize growing areas can mean year-round growth of fall armyworm while 95 percent are...

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Measles And Fatal Encephalitis: The Anti-Vax Movement Before COVID-19 Was Still Dangerous

Despite apparent beliefs on social media today, the modern anti-vaccine movement did not begin with the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021. For decades prior to that, wealthy elites who believed that supplements and organic food were medicine led the world in denying their children vaccines.read...

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