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Posts made in February, 2019

More Expensive Milk Won’t Help Farmers Enough – Culture Has Changed

I don't drink much milk now, though I did when I was a kid. I think I eat more cheese than I did then, and that makes sense. We were a poor family on a subsistence farm and cheese is expensive. Milk was not. At least if you got it right from the farmer. But most of us don't get it right from the farmer, which is one reason why an increase in milk prices in the U.S. won't help dairy farmers...

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Artificial Sweeteners Are Not Harmful For Gut Microbiota, They Are Even Prebiotics

Food is plentiful and affordable, and that has brought an increase in consumption of foods that matched an ancient evolutionary mandate; sweetness.In ancient times, humans knew that sweetness meant more calories and in a world where they often weren't sure where the next meal would come from, getting as many calories when they were available was important. When agriculture came into...

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Ashitaba Won’t Make You Live Longer, It Won’t Even Help You Become A Samurai

The race is on to be the food craze of 2019 and the leading contenders so far are biltong - beef jerky from South Africa - and angelica keiskei koidzumi (ashitaba) from Japan. If a plant can have a leaf cut off and have it grow back the next day, why not assume eating it will help humans? Because we know more science now than 18th century soldiers did. But once a supplement takes off, more...

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Dear Believers In Vampires And Integrative Medicine – Plasma From Young Donors Is Not A Remedy For Anything Except Wealth

One new craze in the alternatives to medicine community is infusions of plasma from young donors, sold with the claim that it can prevent aging, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and even PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Vampires are just a story people choose to buy, like homeopathy and organic food. Plasma in blood does contain proteins that help blood clot blood but...

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Dear Believers In Vampires And Integrative Medicine – Plasma From Young Donors Is Not A Remedy For Anything Except Wealth

One new craze in the alternatives to medicine community is infusions of plasma from young donors, sold with the claim that it can prevent aging, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and even PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Vampires are just a story people choose to buy, like homeopathy and organic food. Plasma in blood does contain proteins that help blood clot blood but...

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