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Posts made in June, 2017

“Food Evolution”: A Tale Of Two Cities

Last night was the premiere of "Food Evolution", a documentary on the science in our dinner, and I saw it with a large audience for the second time.Wait, premiere? Second time? Which is it?It's both. And that is how it became a tale of two cities. And maybe even a metaphor for the two Americas we now live in.Two weeks ago I moderated a panel on communicating science and, more importantly,...

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Are New Government Guidelines For Genetically Engineered Products Going Far Enough?

Since 2014, China has spent $4 billion on advanced agricultural science and is approving new technologies rapidly. Meanwhile, our food science regulatory system remains trapped in the 1980s, paralyzed by environmental lobbyists who buy full-page ads in the New York Times claiming they are "unsure", it just "needs more testing."read...

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The Bizarre Relationship Between Environmental Lawyer Stephen Tillery And A Federal Judge Who Helped Him

Attorney Patrick Murphy is representing infamous sue-and-settle environmental lawyer Stephen Tillery, senior partner and founder of Korein Tillery, as plaintiff in the court of Senior U.S. District Judge Phil Gilbert in a lawsuit against Advanced Analytics Consulting Group, who Tillery says he gave $500,000 to in order to have them come up with results he could use in litigation against minor...

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Alan Alda’s Art And Science Of Relating And Communicating

You are about to hear a huge sigh of relief from the entire science journalism community, because Alan Alda, a man who can interview E.O. Wilson and Jim Watson with ease, who hosted the terrific Scientific American Frontiers, and founded the Alan Alda Center for Communication Science at Stony Brook University, has trouble communicating.read...

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False Argument For U.S. Solar Subsidies: That It Prevents Pollution Deaths

Solar energy, with tens of billions in subsidies to keep it afloat, now employs more people than the fossil fuel alternative it is irrationally pitted against in media - coal. Solar panels are fine for elites, just like organic food is - but like with organic food we shouldn't manipulate data to match our belief system.read...

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