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Posts made in June, 2018

The James Webb Space Telescope Continues To Bleed, Other NASA Experiments Will Continue To Hemorrhage

Science 2.0 began 11 years ago, the year that the James Webb Space Telescope was supposed to be completed, but there was no real cause for alarm about the delays until 2010, when it was three years late and $1.5 billion over budget. Not many in science communication really cared, though that is easy to dismiss as modern journalists being cheerleaders rather than critical thinkers. Instead, the...

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The James Webb Space Telescope Continues To Bleed, Other NASA Experiments Will Continue To Hemorrhage

Science 2.0 began 11 years ago, the year that the James Webb Space Telescope was supposed to be completed, but there was no real cause for alarm about the delays until 2010, when it was three years late and $1.5 billion over budget. Not many in science communication really cared, though that is easy to dismiss as modern journalists being cheerleaders rather than critical thinkers. Instead, the...

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Anti-Science Mommy Bloggers Declare War On Mark Lynas – Again

It can't have been easy for former environmental activist Mark Lynas to change sides. His friends were on the anti-science side, he was a dutiful reader of The Guardian, where activists and environmental trade groups reign supreme, and he was adored there.But he had an ethical dilemma. How could he talk about the science consensus on climate change, despite generous potential funding by...

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Anti-Science Mommy Bloggers Declare War On Mark Lynas – Again

It can't have been easy for former environmental activist Mark Lynas to change sides. His friends were on the anti-science side, he was a dutiful reader of The Guardian, where activists and environmental trade groups reign supreme, and he was adored there.But he had an ethical dilemma. How could he talk about the science consensus on climate change, despite generous potential funding by...

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