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Posts made in January, 2019

FTC Cracks Down On Osteopath Bryn Jarald Henderson And Shady Stem Cell Therapies

Bryn Jarald Henderson, D.O. (osteopath), claimed his stem cell treatments at Regenerative Medical Group and Telehealth Medical Group using amniotic fluid from women who have given birth via C-section could cause the lame to walk and cure kidney disease and whatever else. That was enough to get slapped down by the Federal Trade Commission and rightly so. Though the U.S. Food and Drug...

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Green Liver: Houseplant Genetically Modified To Filter Even Toxic Levels Of Home Air

House plants can help clean a home's air, but unless you live in a greenhouse a mechanical high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) air filter is the way to go, because it forces pet dander, pollen (even cigarette smoke if you still do that) or pollen through a mesh that traps those. read...

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The Golden Globes Did Something Pro-Science, And Anti-Vaxxers Were Enraged

When I first began writing about the anti-vaccine issue, California was the home of the movement (1). The state had more philosophical exemptions than the rest of the country combined, and they were primarily wealthy white elites living on the coast.You know, like Hollywood.read...

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The Golden Globes Did Something Pro-Science, And Anti-Vaxxers Were Enraged

When I first began writing about the anti-vaccine issue, California was the home of the movement (1). The state had more philosophical exemptions than the rest of the country combined, and they were primarily wealthy white elites living on the coast.You know, like Hollywood.read...

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Greenpeace: Spewing Environmental Toxins, Too Cheap To Clean Up Their Mess, And More Tales Of Hypocrisy

Which corporation lets executives commute to work on emissions-belching airplanes, damages native landmarks while putting up advertising, speculates on international bank trade while saddling consumers with their losses, and writes policies for its customers that it then defies in its own practices?read...

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