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Posts by Cash

Why some people have sex for science

Who volunteers to have sex in a laboratory? I was struck by this question when reading about an experimental study of ideal sexual positions for men with back pain. For the purpose of the research, couples were filmed using motion capture and infra-red technology while they had sex. The researchers were in a separate booth […]

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Predicting The Oscars Using A Social Justice Regression Analysis

Using Social Justice Regression Analysis, we can determine an Oscar winner with startling success, just by predicting what special interests have won in previous years. That can be a road map for future directors and writers.

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No Gimmick Left Behind: Psychiatry Embraces Hip-Hop Music

Psychiatry is not afraid to try out a new gimmick - especially if they are 20 years too late.

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No gimmick left behind: psychiatry embraces hip-hop music

Psychiatry is not afraid to try out a new gimmick - especially if they are 20 years too late.

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Why You Won’t Have A Vaginal Orgasm This Weekend – They Don’t Exist

G-spot, vaginal orgasms, clitoral orgasms - the history of the science of sex, and men trying to figure out the sexuality of women, is littered with speculation.

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