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Posts made in July, 2020

Working Memory: A Psychological Reason Some Wouldn’t Social Distance Earlier During COVID-19?

Some people would not or said they could not socially distance effectively during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019 coronavirus mutation that originated in Wuhan, China and spread worldwide. Is there scientific truth to why?read...

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Probiotics Don’t Help With Any Condition, New Gastroenterologist Guidance Shows

The American Gastroenterology Association is paid to advocate for its members, so it's reasonable to assume they'll endorse anything that will make gastroenterologists more relevant.  But there are limits; they won't endorse fraud.read more

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American Academy Of Pediatrics: Children Don’t Transmit COVID-19, Schools Should Reopen This Year

The American Academy of Pediatrics is a rather reflexive group much of the time, so it seems bold for Pediatrics, the in-house journal for an organization that tried to argue kids should not be allowed to even walk to school until they are age 10, to take the position that children infrequently transmit COVID-19 to each other or to adults and that most schools can and should reopen in August.read...

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Sorry Science, By High School 4X As Many Women As Men Want To Enter Medical Fields Instead

There are more women getting degrees in the life science, social science, and pre-med fields, while more men graduate in engineering and physics. Some contend that is gender bias introduced at a young age, but since education is 70 percent women it is difficult to charge them with sexism against females. Regardless of why, whether it is just that women prefer fields like medicine, where they...

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