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Posts made in May, 2021

China Joins Russia And Iran At IARC – And That Means The IARC Agenda Will Be Even More Regressive

Last year it was announced that the Chinese government was going to pay for a third season of the Russian TV show "Better Than Us", a drama about an advanced AI robot that has a neural network bordering on free will, no limitations on killing, and drops terminology about family so often it could be in a Vin Diesel movie.(1) It was an odd move for a totalitarian regime historically afraid of...

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Science Could Save Africa $4 Trillion A Year – But Europeans Won’t Let It

In the bizarre maze of modern cultural geopolitics, European progressives spend a lot of time rending garments about their history of colonialism, slavery, and exploitation while engaging in it - using financial blockades if former colonies do not comply.If a small trading partner wants to export food to Europe, it cannot use any science that Europe bans, and European progressives have a level of...

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Science Could Save Africa $4 Trillion A Year – But Europeans Won’t Let It

In the bizarre maze of modern cultural geopolitics, European progressives spend a lot of time rending garments about their history of colonialism, slavery, and exploitation while engaging in it - using financial blockades if former colonies do not comply.If a small trading partner wants to export food to Europe, it cannot use any science that Europe bans, and European progressives have a level of...

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Can A Math Equation Predict How Extremist Groups Evolve?

When eco-terrorists destroyed a sugar beet field in Oregon a few years ago, the local organic industry group there said they were shocked anyone would be violent, even though the organic industry there demonized science daily. The attackers could not have been unknown to local groups, it is certain they were part of the community.But how did they switch from misguided - mutagenesis chemical and...

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My Son Graduates High School In Two Weeks:JWST Has Been Delayed Longer Than He’s Been Alive

NASA has told us that the James Webb Space Telescope, first funded in 1996 as a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, will miss its launch date again.An astronomy site worries it's been delayed since 2014.It's worse than that. It started getting delayed in 2002. read...

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