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Posts made in May, 2021

Mass Effect Legendary: A Graphical Update, But Is That Worth Over $50?

Bioware has released the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, with graphical modernization and some gameplay improvements, but at nearly $60 it's not cheap.Is the story still great? Yes it is, one of the best ever (dream sequences in Mass Effect 3 aside). Are the characters still compelling? Sure.But it already was, so is it worth spending nearly $60 again?That's a little trickier. If you already have...

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Glyphosate: From $2 Billion To $25 Million On Its Way To $0

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, located in San Francisco, is unsurprisingly  the most 'progressive' appeals court in the United States. That their judges are so California when it comes to decisions is why they dominate the others when it comes to being overturned by the Supreme Court.San Francisco is a great place to file a lawsuit if you are anti-science and that...

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Intel Labs Gives Photorealism Enhancement A Giant AI Boost

Intel Labs Gives Photorealism Enhancement A Giant AI Boost

Stephan Richter, Hassan Abu AlHaija, and Vladlen Koltun of Intel Labs have written a paper outlining their new G-buffer encoder which takes photorealism to a whole new level.read...

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Mercer University Upset Its Amazonian Warrior Shrunked Head Isn’t Fake

Amazonian tribes did things a lot of their counterparts in Europe did but some things they did in more interesting fashion. Rather than putting heads on spikes, which is so medieval Romania, old time Ecuadorians peeled the skin from the skull. turned the face inside out and removed all the fatty tissue. then simmered it a pot of hot water and Chinchipi plant juice, and they shrank into...

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Mercer University Upset Its Amazonian Warrior Shrunked Head Isn’t Fake

Amazonian tribes did things a lot of their counterparts in Europe did but some things they did in more interesting fashion. Rather than putting heads on spikes, which is so medieval Romania, old time Ecuadorians peeled the skin from the skull. turned the face inside out and removed all the fatty tissue. then simmered it a pot of hot water and Chinchipi plant juice, and they shrank into...

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